Protect Your Nursing License

Finally, someone is here to look after YOU.
We are a team of legal experts and attorneys 100% dedicated to protecting your RN or LVN nursing license and your career.

  • 98% success rate of license retention
  • All RNs approved, no application
  • Flat rate, no out of pocket expenses
  • Expert panel attorneys from G&A
  • Save up to $25,000 in legal fees
  • Easy registration - 2 Clicks


We offer proactive legal counsel to protect you against Boards of Nursing disciplinary action against your RN or LVN license.


Why CODE ยง 2770.12 Should Scare the Scrubs Off You

Why CODE ยง 2770.12 Should Scare the Scrubs Off You RNG recently discovered what an absolute omniscient hold the BRNโ€™s Diversion Program has over their Nurse Participants, so much so that a nurse canโ€™t even get her own records to exonerate herself from a disciplinary proceeding that will forever ruin her career. A terrified nurse…


No, Weโ€™re Not Talking About Alex Trebekโ€™s Double Jeopardy

ย No, Weโ€™re Not Talking About Alex Trebekโ€™s Double Jeopardy RN Guardianโ€™s panel attorneys recently defended a Registered Nurse whose nursing license was subject to revocation for a DUI conviction. Just like every DUI case before hers, we were able to save her nursing license, but she was given a three year probation term by the…


Registered Nurses with a DUI

California Registered Nurses Arrested for a DUI Should Call RN Guardian First!
A Driving Under the Influence (DUI) arrest is traumatic enough for the average driver but for California Registered Nurses, it is especially devastating. The $3500.00 fines can quadruple once the BRN discovers it. Your nursing license can be revoked. Your entire career can be over.


Whatโ€™s A Public Reprimand and Why You Should Want One

What’s A Public Reprimand and Why You Should Want One A Public Reprimand conjures images of tar and feathering or schoolyard nightmares where everyone is pointing and laughing at you as you walk down the hall with toilet paper stuck to your shoe, but they are actually far more civil than that. If you’ve had…


Why Bother Having My DUI Expunged if Iโ€™m a Nurse?

Why Bother Having My DUI Expunged if Iโ€™m a Nurse? A criminal conviction for a Registered Nurse can be devastating to your career and the most common for RNโ€™s are Driving Under the Influence, or DUI convictions.ย  In California, these records are automatically forwarded to the Board of Registered Nursing (BRN) enforcement unit and are…


Our Lawyers Get The BRN to WITHDRAW DUI Accusation for Nurse

Our Lawyers Get The BRN to WITHDRAW DUI Accusation for Nurse We are so excited with this result, almost as excited as our RN Guardian Member. If You are a Nurse with a DUI and the BRN is has filed an accusation against your RN license, how excited would YOU be to get this email…


What Happens If A RN Diverts From Diversion?

What Happens If A RN Diverts From Diversion? RN Guardianโ€™s Panel Attorneys, Goyette & Associatesโ€™ haveย  recently represented a number of Nurses who have either withdrawn or been removed from the Board of Registered Nursingโ€™s Diversion Program. G&A attorneys have actually begun advising our clients that surrendering their license may be the best option, and…


BRN Accelerated License Suspension

What process is required before the BRN can suspend a license before engaging in an investigation? Answer: Issuance of an Interim Order: When and How the BRN can accelerate the procedure for restriction of a nurseโ€™s license. According to Section 494 of the Business and Professions code, the Board of Registered Nurses has the authority…


Make No Mistake: The Board of Registered Nursing IS NOT about the Nurseโ€ฆ

โ€ฆContrary to its title. The Board of Registered Nursing is part of the Department of Consumer Affairs, which means that its sole purpose is to protect the consumer, not you, the Nurse. Certainly the BRN offers a myriad of useful information for the RN through its extensive website, but the Board is not a confidential…


My Nursing License Is Being Investigated by the BRN

What Can I Expect? What is the Process? I am asked this question multiple times a day; mostlyย  from Registered Nurses who are in various phases of the investigation process with the Board of Registered Nursing (BRN). The following is what one should expect if my Nursing License is Being Investigatedย from start to finish: The…


Why The BRNโ€™s Diversion Program Doesnโ€™t Work

A Year Later: Whyย BRN Diversion Program Doesnโ€™t Work A fewย days ago I took a call from โ€œSarah,โ€ย a RN who was fed up with the irrational demands of Californiaโ€™s Nursing Diversion Program. She wanted out.ย Fourย daysย prior,ย I spoke withย โ€œLucy,โ€ a RN who was considering BRN Diversion Program because she didnโ€™t want to have her license revoked. So What…


October News: The Diversion Issue

NEWS ProPublica Discusses The BRNโ€™s Diversion Program ProPublica isย theย public watchdog groupย that incited public outcry last year with theirย piece on the Board of Registered Nursing: Loose Reins on Nurses in the Drug Abuse Program by Tracy Weber and Charles Ornstein, ProPublica: Nov, 2009. Diversion, embraced in various forms by many regulators, is intended to protect both…