My Nursing License is Under Investigation
Are You Panicking Because You Just Received Notice That Your License Is Under Investigation by the Board of Nursing?
You have just received notification the you are under investigation by the Board of Nursing. Your nursing license is on the line. A Board investigation is a very serious matter. Now is your only opportunity to provide your side of the story before the investigation becomes a formal public Accusation and potential revocation of your RN or LVN license. Failure to handle the investigation correctly would be catastrophic to your career. Do not move forward on your own!
Are You Wondering What Will Happen to You and Your Career if Your RN or LVN License Is in Jeopardy?
Don’t Panic. Don’t Be Afraid.
Just as you tell your patients when they’re afraid, “Try to relax, we know how to fix this, and we have this under control.” You will be just fine if you have RN Guardian on your side. We understand what you’re going through. The investigation is the first step in a long process, but it is a very critical part.
We have handled thousands of Board of Nursing investigations like yours. Our Attorneys have a 98% verifiable track record of proven success in the defense of California, Arizona, and Texas Registered and Licensed Vocational Nurses’ Licenses.
It’s not too late! We can save your license and your career. We will get you through this investigation and prepare you for what comes next. Please call or fill out the form below.
To speak with Jennifer for more details, call her directly at the Firm at 916-851-1900.