Avoid the 5 Mistakes Pam Made and Save $17 Grand
Pam, I can’t thank you enough for your post. For our readers at RN Guardian, I’d like to make a few comments on what Pam experienced. Her story is horrible, and the worst part is that it is so typical. She’s given us permission to tell her tale and we’ve spoken at length about what we can do now to help her.
Mistake #1 was to speak to the investigator. You’ll notice that she thought he was just asking questions, lulling her into a false sense of security and making her feel that as long as she was honest, she’d be fine.
Wrong. DoJ Investigators don’t “miranda-ize” nurses, but they certainly should, as everything Pam said could be and was used against her.
Mistake #2 was assuming that after a year, it was all over.
Wrong. The BRN takes FOREVER. Hey, they are an underfunded government agency trying to justify their existence. We are currently dealing with cases from accusations stemming from the 1990’s. Have you made any mistakes in the last 10 years?
Mistake #3 was thinking if the BRN offers diversion and you don’t want to do it or don’t need it, all is well.
Wrong. If the BRN is telling you that you have an option for their diversion program pay attention…an accusation is brewing and once they get going you better get an attorney.
Mistake #4 was hoping or thinking the BRN accusation could be handled on her own without the counsel of an attorney and without representation.
Wrong. You are nurses. I’m sure you see people some in with infections or complications that have arisen because of someone’s home remedy or self-diagnosis and treatment. This is the same with the law. Why would you “treat” yourself when so much as at stake? A BRN “Hearing” is real court with a real judge plain and simple– and when your license and livelihood are at stake, you best do everything you can to protect them.
Mistake #5 not joining RNG as soon as she became an NP.
Now, I’m overstating the obvious here and shamelessly promoting us RN Guardian, but it is true. Had Pam been a member of RNG for the last 5 years she would have:
1. Called us for advice about self prescribing as an NP and the rules and regs.
2. Called us to be there with her when she spoke to the investigator.
3. Called us when the accusation came in from the BRN.
4. Saved about $17 Grand. …she would’ve paid about $700.00 in membership dues verses the $12,000.00 plus she has to pay in reimbursement and fines to the BRN or the $5000.00 + she would have spent in attorney’s fees.
If you have a similar situation, what ever the stage of the process, email or call me. We can help, I promise, and you don’t have to go this alone.
My best to you all!