Protect Your Nursing License

Finally, someone is here to look after YOU.
We are a team of legal experts and attorneys 100% dedicated to protecting your RN or LVN nursing license and your career.

  • 98% success rate of license retention
  • All RNs approved, no application
  • Flat rate, no out of pocket expenses
  • Expert panel attorneys from G&A
  • Save up to $25,000 in legal fees
  • Easy registration - 2 Clicks


We offer proactive legal counsel to protect you against Boards of Nursing disciplinary action against your RN or LVN license.


Nursing Students with Past Convictions: RN License Guidelines

Nursing Students with Past Convictions: RN License Guidelines If you are getting ready to graduate from your nursing program and apply for your RN license, you are probably so excited! You’ve dedicated years to make it this far, only to learn that you may be denied your RN license because of a past misdemeanor conviction-you…


Nurse and DUI? Here’s what happens next:

Nurse and DUI? Here’s what happens next:  A nurse, a firefighter and a lawyer walk into a bar…  what, you haven’t heard this one? Wait, that’s because it isn’t really a joke.  If a firefighter and a nurse and DUI happens, they may both lose their careers if they don’t have the right lawyer defending…


How a DUI Arrest Affects Your RN License

How a DUI Arrest Affects Your RN License 1.Q: I am an RN who just got arrested for a DUI, what should I do to best protect my CA RN license? A: You should hire an attorney to represent you at the criminal level for the DUI. The attorney needs to understand how this DUI is…


Get the Facts About the Diversion Program

Get the Facts About the Diversion Program Q. I received a letter from the Board of Nursing offering me the Diversion Program, because I am being accused of taking medication from my facility due to some waste discrepancies. What should I do? A: This a very personal decision… if you have some meds that can’t be…


What are the Pros and Cons of the Diversion Program?

What are the Pros and Cons of the Diversion Program? By: Jennifer Coalson-Perez, Executive Director RN Guardian, Mystery-Solver Extraordinaire How does a California Registered Nurse make an informed decision regarding whether or not to enter the BRN’s Diversion program, if it doesn’t sound like it is even an option? If you’ve received this letter “offering”…


Recently Livescan Fingerprinted and Now Received an Intervention Letter from the BRN?

Recently Livescan Fingerprinted and Now Received an Intervention Letter from the BRN? If you are a California registered nurse and have recently been required to submit a new set of fingerprints to the BRN and you have a past conviction that you did not disclose, you will likely receive an intervention letter from the BRN…


Will a DUI Cause My Nursing License to be Revoked?

Will a DUI cause my nursing license to be revoked? If you are a California Registered Nurse who has recently been arrested for a DUI, this question has been burning in your mind since you saw the flashing blue and red and they pulled you over. You thought about it all the way to the…


What is the California’s Board of Nursing (BRN) Disciplinary Process?

BRN Disciplinary Process The following is a non-exhaustive list of reasons the CA BRN may discipline your RN License. The recommended discipline in ALL of the following cases is revocation or suspension of the RN license. Incompetence or gross negligence. To direct another or to personally falsify and/or make grossly incorrect, grossly inconsistent, or unintelligible entries…


Another Positive RN Guardian Testimonial!

Another Positive RN Guardian Testimonial! Jennifer, You most likely don’t remember me. My name is Kerstin and I was charged with a DUI for prescription medications and other crimes against humanity. (LOL) I would just like to advise all the nurses out there to talk with you before taking any actions. Receiving a diversion letter…


If My RN License Was Taken Away, Can It Ever Be Reinstated?

Short answer: yes. Long answer: It is far easier and less expensive to keep the license from being revoked in the first place. RN Licenses can be revoked for all number of violations of the Nurse Practice Act (NPA), from first time DUI convictions, to gross negligence for mischarging or wasting errors, to giving meds…


How Does a Second DUI Affect My RN License?

How Does a Second DUI Affect My RN License? Any DUI is considered a violation of the Nurse Practice Act because it is using alcohol in a manner that is dangerous to one’s self or others. A first time DUI misdemeanor conviction can sometimes result in a citation and fine from the Board of Registered…


Drug Diversion and Your RN license: What You Need to Know Now

Drug Diversion If you have, or are suspected of diverting medication from your employer, “Drug Diversion” can mean 2 separate things. The first is following a criminal investigation and prosecution, you are offered Drug Diversion from the courts or what is known as a deferred judgment (CA Penal Code 1000). A deferred judgment means that…