At the criminal level, there is not much difference between a DUI and a Wet and Reckless in California. Both will result in a point on your DMV record, both require a fine, both require DUI classes, and both are a misdemeanor criminal conviction requiring probation. So why is it SOOOOO important to a nurse practitioner to do everything possible to get convicted of a Wet and Reckless as opposed to a DUI? Three little letters: BRN.
What’s the difference?
When it comes to your NP license, the BRN looks at a Wet and Reckless conviction completely differently than they look at a DUI. A properly and timely disclosed Wet and Reckless is almost guaranteed to result in a Citation and Fine from the BRN while a DUI is more likely to result in an Accusation being filed against the NP license. A Citation and Fine is NOT considered formal discipline against the NP license while an Accusation is. The Citation and Fine will cost you around $1000.00 while the Accusation can cost you your NP license at worst or probation and $15,000- $18,000 at best. The Citation does not need to be disclosed to your employer. The Accusation will be disclosed to EVERYONE as a public record. The Citation goes away after 3 years. The Accusation NEVER goes away. (You can read more about the Accusation and Cite and Fine elsewhere on this blog.)
So you can clearly see why it is so critical for an NP to do everything they can to get the DUI charge reduced to a Wet and Reckless and why it is absolutely IMPERATIVE to have an attorney working with you who understands the criminal side as well as the BRN side.
Our attorneys are equally adept at stellar criminal representation to reduce DUIs to Wet and Reckless convictions AND representation of the NP before the BRN to ensure a Citation and Fine. This is an extremely rare combination of legal expertise. DUI attorneys are almost as prolific as personal injury attorneys and more and more lawyers are claiming expertise when it comes to NP license representation, but why gamble on someone who might do a good job? We have a verifiable track record of success in representing Licensed Health Care Professionals, such as nurses at the criminal level for the DUI and at the BRN level for the NP license. If your NP license is important to you… and I KNOW that it is, give me a call and I will explain the process, evaluate the circumstances of your DUI arrest and let you know EXACTLY what you can expect moving forward.
We have an outstanding record of success in getting DUI’s as high as .15% BAC reduced to a Wet and Reckless and every Wet and Reckless we have disclosed to date, has resulted in a Cite and Fine from the BRN. Let us help you, too. Contact our team to get started.