Any California Registered nurse who finds themselves in need of an RN License defense attorney to represent them before the BRN, should be looking for a few critical things:
- An attorney with BRN and RN License defense experience. This is the most important.
- A RN License defense attorney who has handled a case like yours. BRN Accusations, Investigation Representation and Petitions for Reinstatement are very different. Make sure your attorney has handled your type of BRN case with success.
- An RN license defense attorney who knows the BRN’s attorneys and their investigators. Attorneys establish a report with opposing counsel and this can be a huge benefit to you as the nurse.
But what about the other issues? What about the attributes of an attorney that makes you like them, makes you trust them, makes you feel comfortable? What about these things:
- An attorney who responds within 24 hours or someone else is available (me!) who you can talk to if you have questions.
- An attorney who charges a dependable fee and doesn’t take you down the road for $15,000.00 when it should have only cost you $7000.00
- An attorney who understands that you are not a file, you are a person with kids or a family and career you LOVE and a maybe a dog.
- An attorney who understands that the “RN” after your name is just as important to you as the “JD” after her name, is to her.
I’ll give you an idea of who our RN License defense attorneys are and who you are dealing with when you retain RN Guardian’s lawyers. Some of our panel attorneys are working moms with kids- so we understand that your career is important to your entire family, not just you. You get a compassionate ear and non-judgmental understanding for you, and assertive, aggressive and winning representation with the BRN. You get an attorney who knows that nurses’ hours aren’t the same as banker’s hours and will accommodate late or early conversations.
I’ll give you an example: we just recently had a client retain us who is under investigation by the BRN. The investigator is dragging their feet scheduling the interview and responding to our request regarding the nature of the complaint. Our client is 36 weeks pregnant and the legal strategy conversation between me and my panel attorney went something like this:
Me: “She is nervous, of course. She just wants this wrapped up in the next few weeks.”
Attorney: “I know, I remember needing to have everything in order before my baby was born.”
Me: “She is probably trying to deal with all of this BRN stress and clean her floors with a toothbrush right now.”
Attorney: “Haha! I remember the nesting! We will push the interview off for a few months, or schedule it telephonically or submit a written statement. We won’t put additional stress on her or the baby.”
I mention this only because I want you to see that our first concern is for the individual client, based on their individual need. Sure, we have great attorneys, who are experts, who have handled hundreds of cases, who know all the BRN’s lawyers and all the investigators. But I want you to know that we truly care about our clients, and that sometimes our legal strategy conversations must involve the intricacies of third trimester nesting, and we think that is the way it should be.
You can probably find other attorneys out there with experience, who have handled a few cases like yours. But if you are looking for a team of people who will spend time explaining things just to calm you down, who ask you how you are and how you are holding up and to whom you are so much more than just a file, then you need a RN license defense attorney team who gets it. And I’m pretty sure that we do. If you are going through a legal issue that is impacting your RN License, call me third 🙂 — after you’ve spoken to the Firm who does your intake call in 4 minutes and then sends you a retainer for $15,000.00. I will spend as much time as you need explaining all of your options, giving you an idea of what you can expect moving forward, and answering your questions, and offer you a way to save your RN License and your career as a nurse, for a reasonable flat-fee.
Here as an advocate and asset to you,