Nurse arrested for DUI


The holidays are a magical mix of fun and enthusiasm. Holiday parties are a great time to let loose and enjoy the excitement. However, as an RN, celebrating too hard might just get you in trouble.

It’s estimated that during Christmas and the two days around it, there are roughly 32 accidents a day involving DUIs. That’s a lot. And these days, there’s just no reason for it. If you’re a nurse, this DUI has many more consequences than it might for other people. In fact, It could cost you your entire career.

The Party Don’t Stop Til The Cops Walk In


Should you decide to drive yourself home from a holiday party, you’ll want to make sure you haven’t had enough to warrant a DUI. If you get pulled over after consuming more than the legal limit, be prepared for some serious consequences. 

Like anyone arrested for DUI, you are likely to face costly fines and may lose your driver’s license. In addition, even if it’s your first offense, you might face a few years of probation and potentially have to participate in a rehabilitation program (which you will also have to pay hundreds of dollars to attend).

It’s important to remember that if you find yourself in this situation, contacting RN Guardian will help you keep your dignity and career. We will help you through each step; you won’t have to worry. 


Your Nursing License and Career Are At Risk


If you are arrested for DUI, you must report it to your state board of nursing. If you don’t, you’re in even more trouble. So now, it’s not just your driver’s license you risk losing, but your nursing license as well.

Your best hope is for your charge to be reduced to a “Wet and Reckless.” Which is basically a reckless driving charge that notes you had been drinking. 


The Holiday Party and the Aftermath


The best defense is a good offense. While we are here to help nurses who find themselves in these kind of tight positions, we’d rather just help you avoid them altogether. Plan ahead so that you don’t find yourself in a risky position. Consider riding with a designated driver, taking advantage of Uber, Lyft, or a Taxi, or getting a hotel room nearby. We also suggest incorporating a fun non-alcoholic drink or mocktail into your night, which is becoming increasingly popular. Make it fun, get a group of your favorite work buds together, and split the cost of a car or limo – not only will you arrive in style, but you’ll get home safely too.


You don’t want to find yourself arrested for DUI; it’s an ordeal that will not be over quickly. Instead, you could find yourself on a journey that can take years to put behind you. 


Don’t Let a Fun Night Become a Reason to Lose Your Nursing License


After one night of fun resulting in a DUI arrest, it will likely take about six months until a conviction is made. Until then, you will have a lot of convincing with the board of nursing that this was a one-night offense. 

When you’re at a holiday party this season, commit yourself to be responsible and staying under the legal limit. Better yet, don’t drive. Find alternate transportation. Or offer to host a party, so you don’t have to drive. Remember, it’s your career on the line, not theirs.


Know Who To Call If You Do Get Into Trouble

When you go out to a party, make sure you know who to call if you find yourself in trouble. RN Guardian is here specifically to look after nurses. Our lawyers are experienced and know precisely what needs to be done to keep nurses from losing their careers.Â