How to Appeal a Nursing License Revocation: Key Strategies for Success

Nursing license revocation is a serious issue that can devastate a nurse’s career. When a license is revoked, it can create significant obstacles for professional practice and personal livelihood. Understanding how to appeal a nursing license revocation is essential for nurses in this difficult situation. What is a Nursing License Revocation? Nursing license revocation occurs …

Avoid These 5 Major Mistakes When Dealing with the BRN

A nursing career is a journey filled with dedication, compassion, and countless opportunities to make a positive impact on the lives of others. However, amidst the noble pursuit of providing exceptional care, nurses may inadvertently find themselves entangled in legal complexities that could jeopardize your hard-earned money and cherished careers. This is where RN Guardian …

Is Disclosure of Prior Convictions Necessary in Nursing School Applications?

Aspiring nursing students may be concerned about whether or not they should disclose their prior convictions when applying to nursing school. While this can be a difficult decision to make, it is important to understand the impact that prior convictions can have on nursing school applications and the ethical considerations surrounding disclosure. Ethical Considerations for …

Using Social Media as a Nursing Professional

Nearly all of us are on at least one social media channel. It’s no different for nursing professionals. And from time to time, we hear in the news about someone fired from their job for something they posted about on social media. Sometimes it’s related to their job. Sometimes not.  Knowing what you shouldn’t post …

What’s the Difference Between a DUI and Wet Reckless

You probably already know what a DUI is, driving under the influence (of alcohol or drugs). It’s a severe offense and could cost you your nursing license. A “wet reckless” is considered a lesser offense and is similar to reckless driving, except your criminal record will have a note that drugs and/or alcohol were involved. …

10 Common Reasons Nurses Lose Their License

You might think it’s rare for a nurse to need representation on standby should they be accused of something that could cause them to lose their license. You might even think you won’t need an attorney at all because you would never do something wrong. But the thing is, nurses are under investigation more often …

Can My Inactive Nursing License Be Disciplined?

Nurses who hold multiple licenses in various states, or who have both LVN and RN licenses, often assume that if the license is inactive they don’t have to report convictions, worry about investigations or be concerned about license discipline. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Any nursing license, active or not, can be investigated and …

Why Bother Having My DUI Expunged if I’m a Nurse?

A criminal conviction for a Nurse Practitioner can be devastating to your career and the most common for NP’s are Driving Under the Influence, or DUI convictions.  In California, these records are automatically forwarded to the Board of Registered Nursing (BRN) enforcement unit and are usually followed by a formal accusation by the Board against …